Almost like a parody of a Sixties arthouse French film
28 December 2022
If this were in English, you might think it was a particularly pretentious student film by some young director who wanted to get as many pretty women to submit to dubious situations as he could. Rather, it is the epitome of why even many French filmmakers turned to American features to revive their own cinema which so often veers towards this kind of aimless, flimsily produced exercise in some indistinct intellectual exploration. What is going on? Well, apparently some bored very bourgeois students are trying to find ways - literal or fantasized, it's not clear which - to spice up their boring hours in the school hangout (realistically portrayed as the kind of sterile glass and colored panelled institutional space many are). There's a kind of an older Svengali figure who leads them some semi-comprehensible, vaguely erotic games. There are references to death, self-inflicted or other. There are a number of beautiful shots of whitewashed buildings against blue skies in North Africa. You get a few women in cages (mysteriously keeping on blindfolds thought their hands are free) and one recurring fleeting shot of what looks like some serious bondage, a touch of David Lynch-style soft-porn lesbianism - something for everyone really who likes this kind of film at all, with no particular order or logic.

If you loved "Last Year at Marienbad", you might at least find this film intriguing. Otherwise, you might be relieved that French directors changed direction enough to come up with "Diva". ("Does this review contain spoilers?" They should probably come up with a prize for anyone who could MANAGE to write a spoiler for this film.)
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