States the obvious but is a little dryasdust and meandering
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Brrrr. As I write this review, it's rather chilly outside. As a matter of fact, there's been sub-zero temperatures in these parts of late. Wait a second. Is that an icicle I see starting to melt? OMG, man-made global warming is real! How can this be, when just last week I practically had to chisel away at the nasal mucous?

There's nothing like a convenient invisible enemy for the powers-that-be to scare the masses with, in the hope of achieving the long-term goal of gaining more power and control over a naive and unquestioning populace.

With each passing year and using the Trojan Horse of 'climate change' the world inches its way closer toward a centralized, technocratic, one-world superstate, led by 'globalists,' yes...albeit the majority of whom I suspect are more Luciferian heliocentrics (contrary to what the 'term' suggests).

Recently, I've been reading in the news of credit cards soon-to-be rolled out that will track their users' CO2 emissions. Clearly, this has less to do with genuine concern for the environment as it's so patently obvious that this is nothing more than a communist-style social credit system in the making.

Fatuously, the agriculture industry has also been under attack in recent years, since 'they' not only want to control what goes into our minds but our bodies as well.

Despite what these soulless interferers who get off on tampering with the natural forces of Terra Mater are doing, the very ones responsible for causing actual damage to Earth and to humanity, with their umpteen asinine policies, their spiritually dark transhuman agenda, techno-smog, synthetic food, GMOs, geoengineering, God-playing scientific meddling and what-not, fantastically these ones then have the chutzpah to scold the rest of us for our supposedly not caring about the environment and to encourage us to look to and trust them for solutions, in line with their Hegelian Dialectic. Artificial meat and lab-created milk, really? All because a few idiotic billionaires in power claim to be afraid of a few little cow burps. What a lot of hot air and bent-over gas emissions.

The common stereotype of anyone who questions or is critical of the official climate change narrative is that they're shills for the oil industry. Blah blah blah. I counted close to fifteen interviewees in this (including the great Patrick Moore and Tim Ball), the majority of whom are listed as professors, each one of them, it seems, with the intelligence and critical thinking skills to see through the Climate Cult rhetoric and dogma and none as far as I could tell were shown sucking on stogies or giddily doing cartwheels around derricks.

It goes without saying that global warming is quite natural and historical, just as the Earth has gone through numerous global cooling periods, as well. That's all that really needs to be said. So simple and easy to understand, this. The Earth could care less about what climate hoax deniers and virtue-signaling poster children for some highly politicized, pseudo-environmental movement have to say regarding what for millennia has been the case.

THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE merits a 10/10 rating for its self-explanatory message but unfortunately it's not without its faults. For one thing, I found its presentation to be a little all over the map, unfocused. As well, whereas this British-made film points to players like Margaret Thatcher for being instrumental figures in the game, strangely there's no mention of much more highly influential names like Paul Ehrlich, Maurice Strong, and the Club of Rome.

Frankly, I yawned, I fidgeted, and found my mind wandering at times and dreaming of hot & juicy hamburgers made from real beef, only to return my attention to the film and its talk of graphs, charts, and technical data. Hmm. How to make this topic palatable to non-nerds and entertainees? Therein lies one of the greatest challenges of our times. Still, a doc that might best be played at the next UN climate change conference, for the benefit of any truth-loving fence-straddlers in attendance capable of being deprogrammed.
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