Review of Witch Hunt

Witch Hunt (2020)
Strong start but fades pretty quickly
31 December 2022
This is a Norwegian drama that deals with corruption, something that is not very common there so it does make good subject matter when brought to the screen. The premise is that of someone who cannot ignore a wrongdoing and tries to fight the situation by bringing it to light. The series has a strong start but seems to rapidly run out of ideas and and ultimately lose its way. It tries to bring in other issues but eventually runs out of steam and crash lands. The ending is not very sensible but must have something to do with the way the Norwegian justice system works, and the constant quest for "correctness" and "equality" within their society. Throughout the series, viewers experience a repetitive David vs Goliath scenario which eventually wears thin since there appears to be no satisfactory resolution.

The acting is not bad but the makeup artists could do with some modern skills so that the actors do not appear to have industrial strength makeup and clown faces at times!
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