Damn Yanquis?
7 January 2023
Well it would be an odd pairing to watch with the old musical (which I'm not sure if I ever saw it).

In both cases, it seems baseball has not been very good to the key characters.

Also both films have singing in 'em, well this one very little but the title is a cancion that may mark several sections. I get that this is supposed to be a comedy, and a black one at that. Well a black and white one, which made the film feel a lot older than 2000.

At one point I was confused as it seemed like one of the leadoff hitters 8 children I thought was holding a smart phone, when I thought maybe the time frame was the 50's? Later though we find out it is a little handheld electronic game, and this is more modern than I thought.

And yet the gags feel pretty old, and honestly poor. Or at least playing about the pobrecitos.

Anyways back to the slugger aka Minimal Man aka the lead off hitter, he's got two misses. And they have a cat fight over his corpse, in the jail/coroner/tamale palace?

I think the humor is sort of trying to play about what is civilized on the surface but really so desperate beneath. The tale of the uncle and his ojo gets told twice.

Feels like there were maybe 8 lengthy scenes, off single camera and if not confined in a cell or hovel, then on a dusty path towards that hovel.

If I blur my eyes, I can almost make this a Charlie Brown story in black and white and Spanish. Probably there is more going on here since it is Ripstein, but between the two misses and the bad teammates, that added up to strike three for me.

Of course, I am both damned and a yankee....
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