You can tell who decided to be offended without actually paying attention to the movie.
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was this a perfect movie? No.

Was this a movie that mirrors the every day experiences of females pushed to the nth degree? Yes.

Any female that is over the age of 20 can tell you about a lot of these experiences. (That's not to say it doesn't happen to younger females as unfortunately it does) The main character opens dealing with a male HR rep that makes not so subtle hints that she will not be advanced because she's female and she must remain calm, she is later sexually harassed and assaulted on a bus on the way home and again must remain calm and can not simply scream, to draw attention to the ordeal because then not only does she become viewed as emotional/excitable she becomes the problematic black woman. With the exception of the last part every woman you know have been in this situation. Every one of them and it rings more true now than it did before because we actually talk about it openly now.

Onto the date, she thinks she meets a nice guy who seems genuinely interested her but the warning signs are there. The sudden irritation and barely concealed hostility that comes with being corrected when the female doesn't immediately defer to the male, the out bursts of unexplained anger over small things, the prodding to go home alone with this person despite having said no before it becomes easier to simply give in and when the door closes the horrific part is the violence, abuse, is left to your imagination before she comes fleeing out of the door with her clothing torn and her flesh bloodied and bruised.

This happens frightening often, when someone thinks they with a safe person and they turn out to be anything but that. Social commentary seems to be the main point of the story. Cherie begs for help and very few are interested in helping her, money and privilege excuse his behavior to the police (yes - this does happen) and her decent continues.

People try to help but are frightened away with threats of violence (a harsh reality), people are silenced, and still she tries to keep looking for help.

It's disturbing to anyone who has been in an abusive relationship or has been assaulted and real empathy is felt towards Cherie who simply wants to be safe and to go home. The point isn't that the hostile person is a white male, the point is this can happen to anyone at anytime.

If you can't relate to her journey be grateful, more than a few of us most certainly can even with the supernatural elements mixed in.
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