Modern Girls (1986)
Not a bad 1980s night out movie
22 January 2023
This is definitely a movie genre, the night on the town movie. I have yet to see this genre defined or labelled as yet. House Party is probably the most well known and loved within this genre.

This is a night out movie from a female perspective in the 80's. Its about female friendship and how its tested on a night out and in particular how the female pursuit of men can sometimes get in the way. There is a male lead in this however he is still a peripheral character as he is more there to be used a function for the girls characters. Don't believe me? In one scene he is given a "makeover" or rather dressed up by the girls in order to make him more attractive to them. He is basically playing the role of the nerdy bookworm girl who takes off her glasses, lets down her hair and is all of a sudden now sexy. Just in male form.

The story is paper thin, as are all of these movies. Girls arrange a night out, it doesn't go to plan and the story resolves at the end. But that is kinda the point with these movies which is what makes them so easy to watch. There is nothing too taxing intellectually or emotionally its an easy ride.

Its definitely a 1980s time capsule in terms of clubbing, the most interesting part however is the reference to the drug X. Which is probably the first movie to refence Ecstasy or MDMA as its known today. The other notable aspect of this is the soundtrack with some very famous and now not so famous bands making an appearance.

Its worth a watch if you want something less taxing to watch with a 1980s nostalgic setting.
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