Died Suddenly (2022)
Oh, For Fact's Sake....
26 January 2023
If you're a serious person investing in your own research, read Jonathan Jarry's article "The Anti-Vaccine Documentary "Died Suddenly" Wants You to Feel, Not Think".

Compressed take aways:

  • post-mortem blood clots are absolutely common and develop for myriad reasons.

  • many of the people filmed collapsing did not die or were filmed before the vaccine was available.

  • most of the embalmers/experts expressing clot shock were blurred out and anonymous so could just be actors reading lines, who knows?

  • there was ZERO mention if the corpses featured were of people who'd been vaccinated, kinda matters, right? If citizens of the USA, their vax rate is exceptionally low. The weird clots could equally have been from Covid.

  • the list of Canadian doctors "dropping like flies" from the "jab" is total BS; you can google their actual causes of death.

Of course, there will always be rare adverse effects from vaccines; but, ascribing the Covid vaccine to virtually every death since its rollout reveals the distortion here.

In my Canadian province, population 4.4 million, 91% of 12+ population have received one dose, nearly 88% of 12+ population have received two doses. Close to 10 million doses delivered - if so deadly, where are the mass casualties?

The number of deaths in my province is up by about 5,000; but, the notable increase of "unknown origin" began well before the vaccine and can be attributed to Covid itself.

If you're a "I've made up my mind and now I'm going to find the evidence on the interwebs" type of person, I can't change you. But, "for fact's sake", do the math.

All this said, you could probably convince me that job-loss mandates were too harsh and there could have been a middle ground on that. But, fact-free fear mongering helps no one.
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