Powerful final quarter
4 March 2023
As an English man who obtained a degree in Film studies there's nothing more I love than watching films from other countries - I've very rarely seen a poor Polish film

This was yet another excellent film with only a few flaws

I did think this would be average and most of the film it was hovering around the 6/10 mark - for at least a third of the film it seemed to be a bit of 50 shades type mummy p0rn story at times and the audience was 90% female so the strapping 6 pack Italian hunk certainly made sure they got their moneys worth with the nudity

But it was the back story that made the film not since mamma Mia have I seen such an emotional mother daughter drama - the final quarter with its emotional reckoning on the boat will have you in tears and this made the film the ending was good too although personally I think the sunset finale ( no spoilers here as always ) would have made a better edit - sometimes things are better left for the audience to decide .

It's a tragic love triangle brought about by unusual circumstances and a possibly slightly far fetched coincidence .

Themes of age appropriate relationships and professional misconduct were prevalent as well generational morality - when fantasy becomes reality - there seemed to be more to the story than the audience knew like this was a sequel at times . This film would be worthy of a prequel and sequel . There were also themes of friendship and deceit . But the most powerful theme was pent up miscommunication born from shared tragedy and mental illness caused by loss .

Quite a bit of the dialogue was in English as the international language between a polish and Italian protagonist.

Definitely worth seeing

A good drama with a little touch of comedy and huge dollop of love lust and romance

Pad. A 8/10.
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