Food for glorious fools.
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They don't make them anymore chokable than this Canadian musical surrounding a big ole' killer, hiding out as the assistant in a butcher shop run by George Dawson and unaware that his victim (the town mayor) has returned as a zombie thanks to the presence of aliens. Clarence Miller has the brain of a child but the body of two football players, so he's nobody to be messed with. Two regular customers in the butchers shop find that out when Miller literally grinds the beef by hand, but the decision for Dawson to close the shop turns Miller even crazier since this makes him realize that he'll once again be out of a job. Changes in the taste of his ground meats and cold cuts results in the conclusion that the rather dim bulb characters don't realize but the audience knows what the reason is right away.

Deliberate camp like this will have the viewers divided, some laughing at "Rocky Horror" deliberate style humor and tactless songs that do have some humor but it's too much as there's way too many interruptions of these songs that seen to parodies of parodies. Overall, the musical numbers just seem to be there to pad the running time out because this is something that could have easily been wrapped up in an hour. Production values are all right but the acting makes the cast of the John Waters films of just a few years before seem like something out of Strasberg. Then there are the elements of the horror subplot, and there's nothing scary about the film at all. It's all rather juvenile, and after about 45 minutes, I found myself struggling to stay awake.
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