Spells boredom
28 March 2023
My review was written in November 1988 after watching the movie on Forum video cassette.

The gory horror pic "Bloodspell" is another nightmarish genre title going out direct to video reminiscent of last April's Fox release "Bad Dreams".

Anhony Jenins plays Daniel, a teen with telekinetic powers sent to St. Boniface, a holding center for the evaluation of troubled students, run by Alexandra Kennedy. He's there for his own protection, since his dad (John Rno), the villain of the piece, is after him. It turns out, however, that Jenkins is a menace, killing the fellow student one by one for petty annoyances.

Everyone thinks these gruesome murders are accidents rather than supernaturally caused. Finally dad shows up, a monster (via weak facial makeup effects) who seeks to use his son to further his own rejuvenation.

Young cast is okay (though encouraged to overact) and pic is generally an improvement over the same production team's earlier "Mirror of Death". However, it's still a long road (and budget increase) to bridge the gap between this level of filmmaking and the popular theatrical releases in the "Elm Street" and "Halloween" series.
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