Swashbuckling Monkeys
28 March 2023
This is another of my favorite video games of all time. Of course, after the phenomenal high swinging success of the first game a sequel was inevitable and this game followed up well. Personally, I think the game is equal to its predecessor but I kind of like it a bit more due to a few improvements it has, which is why I rank the game a little high on my personal ranking list.

There isn't a whole lot I can say as the game isn't really that different from the first which is fine by me as it goes with the old saying, "if it's not broke don't fix it." It has the same graphical presentation and gameplay, but the sequel has a few additions and improvements that showcase how this truly is a new chapter. Really like the Will Vinton like character models, their liveliness and humor, one of my favorite moments is seeing Diddy be box or Dixie rock on the guitar every time they clear a level, yeah, those victories I accomplished made me want to that also.

For one thing the game has more of the swashbuckling adventure theme as we see our simian hero and heroine fighting against Pirates, which is cool as I like Pirate adventures and the pulp adventure stories that have to do with long ago hidden treasure. The music is also still great there are still memorable tracks as it this time has the swashbuckling theme and there is also still the relaxation feel to them to take the frustration off but also a few more relaxation tracks to add on.

Gameplay is still the same, with the same control, some of the same animals to ride but some new ones like a spider wearing Nike or Reebok shoes and shoots out deadly webs. You still have the different themed levels which each have different challenges my personal favorite is the amusement park level and stages as I always love amusement parks there is just also so much you can do in those places. The design of the stages and levels I feel is an improvement, you still have the linear point A to B romp but they don't make it a straight path this time as its slightly nonlinear or at least seems that way. And of course, they are all not without those secrets, there are probably still a few I have yet to uncover.

It still has the medium hard difficulty which is fine by me as I honestly wouldn't want it any other way, but like I said that's just me being a veteran of the platform action genre. This doesn't put me off because it's still fair and manageable.

Despite a change in character as Donkey Kong isn't around this time, in fact he's the person in peril to rescue. But I didn't mind as it's expected in franchise sequel where the main character/s from the previous film don't always come back because their story is over and also the title of the franchise is "Donkey Kong Country" where it's not solely about Donkey Kong but more the world he inhabits. Also, the addition of a new character/s help in keeping the franchise fresh but also mean new opportunities to utilize and new stories to explore.

Really like the new character Dixie Kong, makes sense that Diddy would have a girlfriend which is fair as Donkey Kong has Candy Kong. Diddy and Dixie are like a lot of anamorphic duo dynamic couples like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Buster and Babs Bunny, etc.

Anyway, really like the new edition Dixie as her main thing is having her hair which is as long as "Sailor Moon" being her primary weapon. I know it's so daft, hair as a weapon but I love that as it's a non cliche weapon, the only other time I've seen hair as a weapon was in the NES game "Kabuki Quantum Fighter" (game I reviewed). How the heck here hair can be a lethal weapon is anyone guess, may 'be her strands have superhuman strength. But with this hair she can use it as a helicopter propeller to slow her descent and to help get from point A to B. But also use it as an attack weapon to club away enemies but also pick up barrels with her hair, yeah not kidding. This makes her good with offense as her throws have a long distance.

Donkey Kong's Country just got a lot bigger with this sequel.

Rating: 4 stars.
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