Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 3 finally delivers
6 April 2023
So this is weird, after two false starts (that had moments of looking promising but that ultimately failed to deliver) now it seems they've returned to their roots and voila - a decent show.

It's a bit sentimental, rebooting the old gang, but with this story they've got going in Season 3 it actually works. And this is so much better than being stuck in Picard's mind with his mother (wow!).

The golden rule is that nothing really works properly if you don't have a decent plot and story - and this story is sufficiently sneaky and amorphous to actually work. Added to that the script isn't half bad - and the baddies are really bad, so we can get behind our protagonists - and there is seemingly quite a lot at stake, so we have elements of the heroes journey thrown into the mix.

As this is the last season, it's fitting that they came up with something worthy - but more than a little frustrating that they didn't dig deeper for the first two seasons.

At the end of the day it's a 7 not a 9 - nice try though.
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