Notre-Dame (2022)
Excellent. Just great television, well made and thoughtful.......
9 April 2023
Risk Assessment, with capital letters. That's what fire fighters do everyday, but frankly we all do, everyday, little risks, big ones-like love of all kinds, even simple human connection. When a lot of us seem pretty risk-averse in this little era, this tiny corner of a millennia, this time we occupy.

So take Notre Dame de Paris - there's almost a millennia. Built balancing stone on stone with intricate vaults and ceilings and a spider's web of ancient oak beams both supported by and supporting those vaults and ceilings, it's very existence is a monument to risk and the center - symbol of a nation to put it simply. And the anonymous ants - the ethnically and class, religiously and agnostic diverse people who live in the shadow of the iconic spire and the belfry towers stand watching with their mouths hanging open - wondering what it all means - while many with televisions and time watch and wonder the same thing.

As liquid lead pours from the roof in fiery streams through the long night, firefighters assessed and weighed the risks and took them. It was dramatic and daring. Did we know how dangerous it was? No. I think we might have have slept through those parts. But definitely not through these episodes. Your eyes will be wide open.
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