Energetic crime comedy
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This energetic crime comedy covers a lot of ground in 66 minutes. It is a Columbia programmer based on a short story by writer George Bradshaw called 'Old Mrs. Leonard and the Machine Guns.' Oscar winner Fay Bainter, known more for her work in melodramas like JEZEBEL, WHITE BANNERS and MAKE WAY FOR TOMORROW, plays eccentric Mrs. Leonard.

She is given appropriate 'old age' make-up, a white wig and various other accessories to convince us she's a society lady past her prime. However, she is one who still has a lot of life left in her.

The premise is certainly wacky. Bainter's character learns she is getting charged an extra tax on her dry cleaning bill, and she aims to get to the bottom of it. She learns that a protection racket run by the mob is responsible for the tax, and that several city officials including the mayor may be in on the take.

Not one to stand idly by and allow this to happen, Bainter decides action is necessary...though it is hardly the type of action most people would take. She hires a nice hood (Warren Hymer) she knows to organize a band of men to go after the racketeers and put a stop to the corruption. I guess it's an amusing way of fighting fire with fire, with shades of Robin Hood thrown in.

Costarring alongside Miss Bainter is Ida Lupino, who was on the verge of signing a long-term contract with Warner Brothers. Lupino is cast as a chick who's involved with Bainter's son (Lee Bowman), just as incensed over the injustices in their fair city...so she helps Bainter by framing a crooked high-ranking politician. Again, not ordinary behavior from a dignified lady, but hey it's a comedy, and at least this isn't boring.

Some of the story gets more outlandish as we go along. Eventually, Bainter masterminds a bank robbery to reclaim money that should go back to the merchants that were overpaying for protection. At one point Bainter winds up in jail, but we know she won't remain behind bars for long or else there won't be a happy ending.

In a way this assignment was a warm-up for some of Bainter's comic scenes opposite Danny Kaye. She would later play his mother in THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY.

Though she fared better with dramatic material, the actress did have a flair for comedy and she's having a field day in this farce. She would team up with Lupino eight years later for Warners' rural drama DEEP VALLEY, and that time they played mother and daughter.
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