Review of Ride On

Ride On (2023)
A Comedy Drama for Your Brain, Heart and Soul
19 April 2023
Long Ma Jing Shen, internationally known as Ride On, is a wonderful comedy drama that pays tribute to the influence of stuntpeople on cinema. The story revolves around washed-up stuntman Lao Luo who lives on a small urban farm with his fragile, resilient and stubborn horse Red Hare. The protagonist has trouble to make ends meet and is already indebted to a group of young criminals who don't hesitate to go after him. Things become even more complicated when his property and horse are menaced to be seized. In his despair, Lao Luo turns to his estranged daughter who studies law because he can't afford a lawyer. The protagonist must learn to repair his relationship with his daughter and let go of his ambitions to become a famous stuntman again to face, overcome and solve his numerous challenges.

Many people have criticized this movie for different reasons. Some critics mention that there aren't enough action scenes in this movie and that this is one of Jackie Chan's slower films. Others have criticized the movie's excessive length and its somewhat predictable story. Yet other experts claim that the film is too melodramatic and that its final third only consists of Jackie Chan crying.

All those critics might have good points to make but they don't matter to me at all. In my opinion, Ride On is one of the very best movies Jackie Chan has ever been a part of and also a solid candidate for film of the year. This movie has really struck a chord with me. It's easy to empathize with the old protagonist who is living in the past, suffering from isolation, underestimated by others, going through a phase of abject poverty and about to lose his beloved horse that he loves so dearly. I sure have tried to hold back my tears by the end of the movie but I simply couldn't accomplish that anymore. Ride On is a blessing for brain, heart and soul and leaves an incredibly memorable impact. This movie inspires profoundly, makes you reflect on the things that really matter in life and will make you feel alive like few to no other films manage to do. The film's message is also relevant, strong and timeless: you cannot separate what belongs together. All the naysayers should understand this valuable lesson before criticizing unimportant details.

If you are looking for a profound drama with a glimmer of hope intertwined with dynamic action scenes and some minor slapstick humour, then Ride On deserves your attention, recognition and respect. This comedy drama is a film for your brain, heart and soul that will leave a strong emotional impact. This film is so immense that it deserves to be watched time and again. Give it a chance to inspire, surprise and touch you.
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