Review of Irati

Irati (2022)
Not the Loch Ness Monster
24 April 2023
No pun intended - if you watch the movie it will become quite clear what I mean by that - actually some may even say it becomes clear in the beginning (intro) of the movie itself. Well that is for you to decide or rather find out. If you like fantasy movies, with a touch of darkness and mythological touches ... well you could do much worse.

This being from a certain area of Spain - which means that if you know "normal" spanish, you may have issues understanding what they are saying. Sangre (blood) is called something else, one of the things I noticed. I assume the english subtitles did not translate wrong of course.

This may be a bit too long, but the way it works, it reminded me a lot of 80s movies - that had similar storylines. If that is your thing, you'll have a blast to say the least.
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