A grand fantasy adventure
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance's season one finale is entitled "A Single Piece was Lost". The Skeksis confront the gelflings that have taken up arms against them. Rian, Deet, and Brea assemble the Dual Glaive and ready themselves for battle.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance's season one finale is fantastic. The season finale is an excellent culmination of story elements that have been introduced in the season. The growth of Rian into a warrior that is willing to fight the Skeksis is clear in this episode. He speaks from the heart when he is inspiring his fellow Gelflings. Likewise Deet and Brea are in a great journey of fighting the Skeksis. These three protagonists have a good conclusion to the season and the season sets up the protagonists for an interesting follow-up if there is a new season.

The Skeksis reveal their brutal nature and are performed well during the battle. The battle is not the most fluidly choreographed battle. However, this battle had a lot of meaning behind it. This was a battle that had the Skeksis scheming amongst themselves and the Gelflings had to prove themselves capable of holding back the Skeksis.

The final also met with the original 1982 movie by introducing the Garthim. This was an excellent scene with the series already showing its solid writing choices.

I would recommend "A Single Piece was Lost", the first season finale of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.

Grade: A

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Season One

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is a television series that premiered on Netflix. The series is a prequel to the 1982 movie The Dark Crystal. The series follows three Gelflings as they discover their Skeksis lords embark on tyranny. They must investigate and save the planet of Thra as a global event known as the Darkening occurs. The first season introduces the main characters of Rian, Deet, and Brea.

This season is a great reintroduction to the world of The Dark Crystal. This season has a similar feel to the original 1982 movie of The Dark Crystal. The season features many more Gelfling characters and the series is able to develop them well. The development of the character is the season's best attribute. Rian, Deet, and Brea are all developed characters with their own story arcs.

The season has excellent pacing. From the beginning, the three characters are introduced. The three characters interact with the Skeksis and they all have bad experiences. Rian's story is the focus at the start and this is an amazing hook to the season. Rian fights to uphold the truth. Brea and Deet have investigations to find out more about the Skeksis. The series culminates in an unexpected way with an encounter with a Skeksis and Mystic together in the dunes. This is one of the best few scenes in the series.

I would recommend "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance" developed by Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews.

Grade: A.
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