3 May 2023
The Mighty Gorga is a prime example of how not to shoot a kaiju movie on a budget. Whether or not this is better or worse than A*P*E is up for debate but it's a very close competition. The film problems are numerous and obvious, be it the giant gorilla costume is oh-so-very poor with its fixed bugged-out eyes, poor plotting, painfully slow pacing, non-existent acting with many lines that are obviously flubbed, shoddy mattes, over-reliance on unrelated stock footage, horrendous sound mixing with the stock music completely dominates the dialogue rendering it inaudible at points and a hilarious plastic T-Rex. The only real thing I can give it credit for is the location work which is a pretty good stand-in for a jungle. The Mighty Gorga is just a distressing experience that doesn't even enter the realm of so bad it's good. Whether or not this has any merit is certainly a question, the racism certainly doesn't help, but I can say like A*P*E it's a must-see in terms of Z-grade movie making.
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