Had 5 long weepings during the 100 minutes, and not a single one was about pain. A few more people like Mr. & Mrs. Rose, and this world will be heaven
7 May 2023
Room For One More (1952) : Brief Review -

Had 5 long weepings during the 100 minutes, and not a single one was about pain. A few more people like Mr. & Mrs. Rose, and this world will be heaven. Room For One More is a family comedy drama with no dramatic story, but everything that's true. Based on Anna Perrott Rose's autobiography, Room For One More is about Mr. & Mrs. Rose, who have 3 children, but still adopt 2 more. There is a dog and some kittens, too. Let me tell you about those 5 weeping scenes since this film is all about shedding tears of joy. The first one is when temporarily adopted Jane is about to leave the house. Trot, Tim, and Teenie say goodbye with a heavy heart, and then Jane cries and pleads with her mother, Mrs. Rose, to keep her. Before anyone can notice, Mr. Rose picks up her bag, and she hugs and kisses him with tears in her eyes. The second is about the second child they adopt, Jimmy-John. A handicapped boy who starts off on a bad note but eventually starts liking the place. He asks other 4 kids whether they want him to stay or not, and they ask for votes. First, they vote for him to leave, but when he tells them that he couldn't go to school, suddenly those "leave" votes are changed to "stay". The third one is Christmas Day, when those four children give up their gifts so that Jane can have her evening dress. The fourth is, of course, Mrs. Rose's speech about her husband in front of her husband, and the fifth is the scout medal and felicitation ceremony. Room For One More a sweet and simple tale of goodwill and emotional bonding. I just wish there were more people like Mr. And Mrs. Rose, and this world would have been such a good place to live. Cary Grant and Betsy Drake are so adorable as parents. I wish every orphan had parents like them. Another heart-tugging film by Norman Taurog after "Boys Town" (1938) and "If I Had A Million" (1932).

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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