5-25-77 (2008)
One Of My Favorite Movies Of All Time
7 May 2023
I found this movie by accident. I was looking on Amazon to kill time while at the DMV, and I saw the cover for this movie for pre-order. With how the art looked, I thought it was like an homage to 70s-80s sci-fi thrillers with a tongue-in-cheek tone to it. So I obviously had to look it up and saw that it was actually a coming of age film set during that time period, so I found the trailer. Immediately I was interested, and I couldn't get enough. I watched the trailer daily and was sending it to everyone I could think of because it just looked like such a pure hearted movie.

Then the day finally came. I had the movie, but I couldn't watch it right away, because I promised my friend that I would watch it with them. So, that weekend came and we say down and watched it. I was head over heels in love with this movie. From the characters, to the directing, to the story, everything about this film had me in its grasp. It is a lighthearted, innocent tale of a boy who loves filmmaking, and finding the one movie that makes him go "Yes, this is what I MUST do". It is a more believable movie than most coming of age stories, because even the end leaves some things open, but it is still a light ending.

From beginning to end I had a smile on my face. The small scale of the production allowed for the film to have a more personal feel to it, as opposed to similar movie like The Feeblemans. While that too is a good movie, with 5-25-77 being a more independent production it allows the film to have a better relatability for those who too have a desire to pursue such a large scale dream. And honestly, I can see myself rewatching this movie more often from that alone. Sometimes less is indeed more, and this film is most certainly the case for that.

I cannot recommend this film enough. It is a love letter to not just movie making, but to those who have a dream that is as high as the stars.
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