Really solid show with incredible displays of creativity and very few flaws.
7 May 2023
The biggest complaint I have about this show is the run time being 45 minutes per episode and the fast-paced comedic approach feeling tired at times due to that. Oddly enough, I see people complain about this show ruining the characters but it's very much the other way around that stifles my enjoyment personally.. When you have DC characters like Aquaman and Mera you have to fit in lots of action and fight scenes and besides the presentation of those moments they're easily the least enjoyable moments of this show (Minus Episode 2 where the final fight actually does something new and creative with it's problem solving as opposed to punch-outs.). Mera and Aquaman's dynamic reminds me a whole lot of Marco and Star in Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, you could even draw parallels between Ocean Man and Ludo which makes for fun all around.

[Sidenote: much prefer Mera's depiction here as well as a comic book fan. Similar characters are often too samey including Medusa in Inhumans or even Namorita.. I quite like the deviation.]

Voice acting is absolute quality, and the animation is a obvious highlight. It has the cleanliness of an Adventure Time, fluidity of TMNT: Rise, the slapstick of Ren And Stimpy with just a touch of Psychic Pebbles or Superjail-like dirtiness. The story is a bit lacking, but I feel like that's when I get into the territory of asking too much from a show obviously meant for a younger audience as well as something that exists as a 3-episode mini series.

The fact that HBO removed this and a show like Infinity Train picture-perfect display their lack of knowledge and care for the animation industry while renewing something as cynical as Velma for a second season (although, the animation is the only good part of that show.). I would've loved to see this make some sort of return or to yearly show this to someone who hasn't seen it as it's a quick and enjoyable watch. My complaints are so minor but I think the only way to make this show better would've been to reduce the amount of action and squish the episodes down to at least 30-35 minutes to make for a tighter watching experience with no room for dragging.

Solid Solid 7/10 overall and episode 2 (even if just for the finale) is a must-watch for any animator/fan of animation as a whole.
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