19 May 2023
Well, I watched TNG back in the days when I was a teenager. Different times, movies and series were slower paced, less action packed and not stuffed with CGI. When watching TNG in 2023, I realize how boring many if the episodes actually are. Of course it has to do with the experience with other shows of today as a comparison.

The story of this episode could have been played everywhere. In fact it did, because it is based on a Romeo & Juliet setting. Two families in dispute with each other while their children fell in love. We have this huge galaxy, extra-terrestrial life forms everywhere, lots of strange things to discover. Yet, TNG mainly shows us soap operas.

Data trying to be funny was also rather cringe. So much missed opportunity in hindsight. They could have elaborated on what makes humans human and why it is hard for machines to grasp human emotions. In a Sci-Fi series this could have opened up discussion about AI, algorithms etc. But maybe back in the 1980s they didn't think so far. Today with ChatGPT mimicking human knowledge and interaction we experience, how quickly human.uniqueness can fade and how the gap between humans and machines are becoming smaller, yet computers still can't feel and be as human as we are.
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