Lesson Plan (2022)
I Mean it's Ok...
20 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie really tried. The problem was the movie was so slow; after the 23rd - 36th martial arts fight where no one really gets taken down, knocked out, or killed, I just used the time as an excuse to open mail, change out laundry, and basically do anything to not be subjected to another fight scene.

The dubbing was subpar, but then again I don't think I've seen a foreign film that had great dubbing anyway. The dubbing was cheesy and stilted, making the conversations awkward at times, or overly acted.

That he's supposed to be a History teacher, I don't recall any real history lessons at all, just him unnecessarily teaching his class martial arts. Why no one at the school noticed an entire room of students was rarely ever in the classroom is unbelievable.

Is the movie bad? Hmmm, I think if you have nothing else to watch it's a time killer, but I wouldn't recommend it as your go-to for an evening of action packed, keep your riveted, eyes glued to the TV kind of movie.

He's no Jason Bourne.
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