Review of Control

Control (2022)
A pretty solid movie
21 May 2023
Given the low ratings I have to give 10 stars.

Otherwise the movie is 6 - 6.5.

The movie is clearly inspired by the game with the same name. Maybe they didn't credited it because they don't want to be sued for copyright infringement (?), I guess?

There's nothing wrong with that but I just wanted to get that out of the way.

The movie is pretty solid, considering it had a low budget. I really don't understand what people are even expecting from this movie since they give low ratings most of them.

But the movie isn't bad. So keep that in mind when if you want to watch it.

The plot of the movie is pretty simple: a women wakes up in a sound-proof room with no means of escape and it's forced to partake in a series of tests that will develop her telekinesis powers. Between the tests we see what appears to be memories of her and her daughter Eve. I don't want to spoil any further so I am going to just say this: it has an open ending. Kinda. We know what happens with the women at the end but we are still left with many questions unanswered and I am not going to asks those questions because that will spoil the ending.

I liked the acting, cinematography, sound design although they really drag that song alot. Now that I am thinking about it, maybe the song could be a clue to what's going on...

My only complaints are the cheesy hand movements (I guess they used that to make the powers seem more interesting) and the dream-like sections of the movie. They just dragged too much with those. I mean I understand that they didn't want to make a long-feature film but still... The movie would have worked perfectly fine without them. And they really don't add anything to the story.

I do recommend this movie. It's clearly not any awards worthy but like I said it's a solid movie. It's not crappy but it's not a masterpiece either. You can give it a watch.
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