No, It's Not a Great Movie, But It's Got Some Great Touches
2 June 2023
Everyone gives it their best try, but the movie seems to be trying just a tad too much. Should you watch it? A qualified YES -- it depends on what you're looking for. George Brent as rugged and wronged-- nope. Joan Fontaine as beautiful and brave-- not really. A well-paced, well crafted film-- hardly. However, if you do decide to watch it, PAY ATTENTION; it has dialogue that does sparkle (at times) physical humor that's very funny (at times) and it has Mary Field (at times.) If you watch this movie, watch it to see how Mary Field presents Susan's maid to the audience. It seems no one really knows Susan. Well, her maid does! Watch Field interact with each of the main characters, heck, just watch the way she opens the door. She IS someone and she does it right and saves this bedroom farce from banality (at times.)
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