Review of The Idol

The Idol (2023)
Oh boy !
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, boy, where do I even begin with "The Idol"? Brace yourselves, folks, because this TV series takes the cake when it comes to promoting unrealistic storylines.

If you're in the mood for cringe-worthy moments and an overdose of pick-me behavior, look no further than the fabulous disaster that is Jocelyn, our beloved fictional pop star.

Let's start with Jocelyn herself, shall we? Ah, Jocelyn, the epitome of a pick me, always desperately seeking the approval of others. How refreshing it is to witness a character who lacks any sense of self-worth and personal agency! Who wouldn't want to watch a show centered around a woman constantly belittling herself just to please a club owner, of all industry people, is this the only male lead they could insert into this storyline ? How truly inspiring-said no one ever.

As the plot unfolds, Jocelyn falls head over heels for a club owner. But here's the kicker: instead of showcasing a healthy, equal relationship, we're treated to a parade of degrading acts. Because nothing says "true love" like compromising your dignity and potential safety for someone's attention, right?

The dialogue has some especially cringey lines like "you're dangerous" and "how can anybody not fallen in love with you?", super unnatural and weird.

The graphic scenes were not an issue to me but their context was. They can work if they are used right but from start to finish it was all about how much nudity they can fit into one episode, as if Lily will unlikely ever work with the director every again so may as well shoot everything they could.

And don't even get me started on the relatability factor. What human instinct, you ask? Well, dear viewer, "The Idol" seems to have forgotten that part entirely. I mean, who doesn't relate to a celebrity pop star who regularly humiliates herself ? We've all been there, right? It's not like human emotions and experiences matter in a show supposedly about real people with genuine struggles. Nope, let's just discard any notion of realism and replace it with a twisted fantasy that makes you question the writer's grasp on reality.

"The Idol" is an utter disappointment for those seeking quality entertainment with well-rounded characters and a meaningful narrative.

It's a remarkable masterpiece if you're into mind-numbingly regressive storylines and a complete disregard for relatability and human instinct.
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