7 June 2023
File this one under dark comedy 101. THREE WIVES TOO MANY owes up to its name as spouse number one Teresa Wright discovers hubby Dan Duryea is married to a few other ladies. Naturally, her curiosity gets her out of the house (while the so called travelling salesman is away) to meet and greet her competition. One thing, perhaps as a way to "strengthen" her marriage, might be a good idea to kill them. Why not? There you have it, and its a story that will keep the late night coffee brewing. Oscar winner Wright and Duryea make a splendid team (and worked together in films, THE LITTLE FOXES, PRIDE OF THE YANKEES). Like old times. The quirky music interludes are fun, and I am sure were recommended by Hitch as mood music played a large part in any of his productions.

Wright only a few years earlier came out of retirement to continue her career and Duryea was quite popular on tv and in westerns. Duryea's shocked expressions are a hoot, and so is the dialogue. Recommended. SEASON 2 EPISODE 12 CBS dvd box set.
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