Jackass washer machine
10 June 2023
Who can come up with the best advertising slogan for soap? Unemployed Robert Young (Fritz) can. So can the company's owner Frank Morgan (Tobler) under a false name. The two of them win a 2-week holiday in a ski resort in the Alps. Young goes along to rub shoulders with the wealthy in the hope of getting a job and Morgan goes incognito to live like an ordinary person instead of being constantly pampered because of his position. Once there, the staff and guests are tipped off that one of the winners is the wealthy undercover boss, only they are not sure which one. And they get it wrong. Cue misunderstandings, scheming plots and a happy ending.

This is a funny comedy with the cast on good form apart from Young's attitude at the end. I can't possibly marry you because you're rich. Yeah right! What would normally be stupid and ruin a film, eg, obvious back projection, actually adds to the comedy of the film. Just watch those ski scenes, obviously filmed on location - ha ha. And what is the point of those yodellers and their cadenzas? None. It doesn't matter - this film is a gentle, easy-going watch that will make you laugh with Morgan leading the proceedings and a cunning Mary Astor (Irene) looking to bag a rich guy.
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