A touching little gem
21 June 2023
92 year-old Madeleine is leaving her suburban home to enter an aged-care facility on the other side of Paris. Charles, a taxi driver, knows it will be a good fare and comes to pick her up. She is in no hurry to reach her new home and asks him to go via various places which have been significant in her life. As the journey goes on, she shares some of the events of her incredible life with him, as well as wisdom that is useful for his rather jaded existence. There are some flashbacks which show the changing times, including some interesting courtroom scenes. Charles, the cabdriver, in turn becomes increasingly interested, kind and generous.

On this, Madeleine's last lap of Paris, naturally the city stars with its landmarks, restaurants and general life, including separated bikelanes... if they can do it there... And all of this is set to some great songs of the 1940s.

The famous actors are superb, of course, as Madeleine, Liné Renaud (who is 94 and whose film credits go back to the 1940s) and as the cabbie, French star, Dany Boon. The story is well-paced, nicely filmed and quite a touching little gem, somewhat reminiscent of the fine Australian taxi-ride drama, 'Damage' (2022).
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