If You Are Going to Read a Spoiler, CHOOSE THIS ONE.
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's best to probably read this and by my telling you this, it's not exactly a spoiler. Mom is nuts. Something triggered (I HATE that word) the mother when the child turned seven years old. Nothing you see is a hundred percent ACTUALLY happening. Especially regarding the child. The mother-Sarah-is absolutely out of her mind bonkers. It didn't start with the kid turning seven years old--I mean, in the MOVIE, it appears to start with the birthday party--but flashbacks help us see that she's been out of her mind for quite a while. Oh wait, there's more: I think her father passing away might have been the first set of blocks to fall or marbles to lose. I think her father was her FRONT; I think her Mother was estranged because mother KNEW.

I think a lot of the explanations that others are complaining about ended up on a cutting room floor for whatever reason. But if you go into the movie knowing the mother is out of her mind, that makes the movie SO much better. Because now it's genuinely on YOU--the viewer--to figure out if she's doing all the harm herself, is she actually murdering people, is that rabbit even THERE, is the kid saying have the stuff her mother THINKS she's saying...this is all on YOU to figure out.

I wish they did chapters, I do.

Chapter One: The birthday bite. (Perhaps mother is NOT crazy, and the sepsis from the animal bite is making her even MORE insane--that was another theory I had.) Chapter Two: Who IS this child, anyway...?

And so on.

Enjoy the excellent acting (imo).

If you are going to read about spoilers, this is the one to read. It might make the ride so much better.
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