Currently watching this film and I have some good things to say and some things I would like to complain about
16 July 2023
Story line and cast were great actors did fairly well yet there are a few little things that really bother me. Now I my self if I was an alien hunter after gathering my gear together I myself know anytime we hear about aliens the first l things we always hear about when people are hunting aliens there car shuts down. So here is a pointer be sure to drive a vehicle that does not use a computer or minimal electronics, bring a bike, or better yet a dirt bike that kick starts so you don't have to worry about the electric issues.

If you are at base camp or nerve center and your suppose to be watching the cameras don't get distracted do not go and paint your house while people are investigating to see if the can find aliens. Not just because they are hunting aliens but because you never know what might happen to them i the dark in the middle of no where wild animals or just bad people that are out to do harm. Last of all of you are the investigator and you do not know the area you in never ever would you want to leave you only way of communication in your tent while you go scout the area around camp. Not that all being said I am still watching this film and so far I like most of it but we will see it is currently 7:30 p.m. July 16th 2023 and I'll add more to this momentarily.

7:45p.m. Let's walk of In desert and leave our tent open to the elements, nature and environment so anything can get inside of it. I wish that film makers, writers and/or directors would truly think about things when filming and make it actually realistic. Goose is not a good friend let's just ignore all proper observation techniques. I guess I just really think of how I would do it and I am the type to do my best to keep bad things from occurring because often our actions can reflect the outcome of situations. But I'll tell you it is actually really good film to watch so watch it and leave you opinion.
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