29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
She does find her brother ! Everything proves to be genuine like THE BLACKWELL GHOST series's. Found footage is more edgier than fake found footage, because you can feel their fear.

I watch genuine found footage for the truth and to find out if CERN has some kind of control or involvement in some unexplained event's. Ephesians 6:12 warns us that we are not fighting with flesh and blood, but spiritually and whatever these beings appear to be interdimensional thus CERN has opened the door to let them in.

Watch and judge for yourself on YOUTUBE slowing to x25 to see the truth yourself and you will notice something in key part's of the film that can't be faked, as they appear in some part as microbursts and you see what is at the heart of this film.

When she finds her brother, it isn't a pleasant reunion and not for the faint of heart. I know how I would feel in her place ,which makes it raw and in my humble opinion very real and frightening to the weak hearted that are more interested in horror than seeking the truth.

I am interested to see if anybody else has disappeared in that area and learn more about any other anomalies. It's Mexico's Bermuda Triangle and this is why I would advise people not to go there. If I went there -I would stay near my vehicle and not wander too far, as it looks easy to get lost in. I would use my drone to get a 360° pan of my location and submit to social media, so I could be found ,if I were to get into trouble. I have moderate-severe Cerebral Palsy, and still despite needing a wheelchair like taking gift's to my Edomite friends and family in our local parks, forest's and woodlands. So, I can relate to the young woman searching out the truth to be a victim, herself.
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