Review of D.P.

D.P. (2021– )
Overall good series, but notable differences between the 2 seasons
13 August 2023
My overall rating is based on both seasons 1 & 2. Season 1 is 9/10, whereas season 2 is 6/10. Why the difference?

Season 1 was riveting TV, which focused on the unit level of abuse in the ROK military, and there was excellent chemistry between the DP leads.

Season 2 was more focused on the upper-level command responsibilities/cover-up for the atrocities seen at the until level. I do appreciate the writers not rehashing stories similar to Season 1, but the Season 2 storyline just wasn't as riveting as the first season. Also, in Season 2 there was little to no chemistry between the DP leads, because they were rarely in scenes together.

But Season 2 is a decent bookend to the whole storyline, so would recommend watching both seasons to get the complete picture of the ROK military issues from the unit level up to the upper-level command.
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