filmed before the US was in the war.
14 August 2023
Dangerous moonlight, known as suicide squadron in the u s, was released june of 1941 in england. But it was not released in the united states until april 1942. Europe had already been in the war for several years, but the u s didn't officially join until pearl harbor, december of 1941. It took almost a year for the film to be shown in the u s. According to the film, it begins in london, november of 1940. American reporter carol meets polish airman and pianist stefan radetzky, during the bombing. They meet again in new york. When he talks about returning to europe to fight, carol can't stand the thought of it. Stefan wants to go fight for his homeland, but carol doesn't want his gift of music to be silenced. Or is it for more selfish reasons? Perfect issues to be discussed in a wartime propaganda film. It's pretty well done. Rather rushed ending, but it works. Directed by brian hurst, who had fought in world war one. The picture is all quite dark, for atmosphere? And there are many snaps and pops in the sound track. Could use a restoration.
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