Asteroid City (2023)
Tries to be Synecdoche NY but fails badly
21 August 2023
Self-indugent, self-important, and constantly annoying, Asteroid City is one wasteful ride with looping self-references in a rather pointless display of directorial legerdemain that, as mentioned, repeats its themes over and over and over for really no reason at all...but tries super hard to extract meaning from a meandering plot and a bunch of duality interactivity that at first seems mysterious and poignant but later is revealed to be claptrap added to impress those too tired to insist film should be used for some larger purpose, larger reason, than to show off the latest CGI integration technologies. Despite a plethora of fine actors, I found most of the acting so stilted as to be silly...deliberately silly, again to make some kind of "deeper" point so that pseudointellectuals could extoll the virtues of point and counterpoint in an artifical, stilted, cutsey-futuristic environment.
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