Boy From Hell
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as Bloodspell, this is all about Daniel (Anthony Jenkins), who has been sent to Saint Boniface, a home for troubled teens by his mother Jane to protect him from his father Luther who is - surprise! - a demon who just wants to use his son's body to kill people and add souls to Hell. Will anyone believe another resident, Charlie (Aarin Teich) who knows exactly what is happening?

Of all the things I love about this movie - I mean it ends with God hitting Luther with lightning - the music over the credits feels like it could come from the schmaltziest of 80s comedies where we all learned a life lesson about our parents and not that they can be demons who possess us.

Maybe Jenny Marlowe (who is played by Twink Caplan, which is an awesome name) and Tony Montana - yes, that's the character's name in this, you'd think they'd maybe think that over - who is played by Edward Dloughy can save everyone.

Director Deryn Warren also made Black Magic Woman and Dead of Night, which gets watched in this movie to add a little meta without hurting the budget. This was written by the same writer as those films, Gerry Daly, who also wrote Witchcraft III and Crystal Force. Also: I never watched 7th Heaven but I have been told that's the house from that show in the beginning of this movie. Also also: Woodchipper finger terror.
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