What a great documentary
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It has almost been fifty years since Jaws made us afraid to go to the beach. This was the first modern blockbuster and Spielbergs first of many brilliant films. This is one of those movies where the story behind the making of it is almost as fascinating as the movie itself. As a matter of fact its a wonder Jaws got made at all according to this documentary they had a devil of a time getting the mechanical shark to work and two of the stars (Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfus) despised each other. I loved watching this film and wanted to mention one of the things that made it great was there really wasn't a lot of gory stuff in it (after all you don't see the shark until almost the end). Spielberg knew how to make a great film without the blood and guts and I wish more movie makers today would learn from his masterful example.
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