Last Resort (2023)
Action Packed
28 September 2023
Excellent gunfighting and hand-to-hand combat. The plot is fairly straightforward. A soldier on R and R fights about 50 villains to save his wife and daughter from terrorists who have taken over a bank in Thailand. The plot exists to serve the action, not the other way around. So sit back and enjoy the ride. The gunfighting is well choreographed and staged. I found it more realistic and the last few John Wicks. The two hand-to-hand fights are brutal, long, and also well choreographed. I'm now going to see what else John Foo has starred in to see if I've missed any good action shows. I watched one of his earlier films recently (Extraction) and was impressed by his skills. Will check to see if he's done anything else. One thing for sure, if you watch it you will not be bored.
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