Missing footage, nonsensical
1 October 2023
It's fun to see one of the earliest interpretations of Sherlock Holmes in this 1922 silent film that has been restored only in the last few decades. Unfortunately this Holmes runs out of deductions in his intro scene with Watson and the rest of the movie is just Holmes trying to catch Moriarty out on a pile of love letters?? The plot makes little sense and as the movie progresses into the final third, there is clearly a lot of still-missing footage that makes things even murkier. Moriarty comes to Holmes house in what was shaping up to be an interesting action scene and suddenly *poof* the scene is at an end point and we see a character involved that hasn't even been introduced!

It proceeds to the ending in similar fashion and again there is zero deducting from Holmes to get us there, just a bit of flimsy action and more seemingly missing footage as there is much that is unexplained.

I won't even address the love interest that seems to have been inserted for the sole purpose of giving said actress a role in the film, who I imagine as a 1920s version of Tori Spelling.

Still worth a watch just to see an early silent film formation of Sherlock Holmes while movies were still finding their footing for this character. Thankfully we soon got Basil Rathbone and company who did their wonderful job with Holmes in the 1930s.
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