Review of Saw X

Saw X (2023)
It's intense, brutal, grisly but for once . . .it has a compelling story to go with it all!
4 October 2023
For me, I didn't know what to expect from this film at all. I was really going in expecting brutal traps with over-the-top gore and violence, which of course they did have, but this Saw movie is far more than just that now. Everyone was saying this had a compelling storyline, but I didn't know that was actually true. But now, it's all true! This is the most compelling Saw movie ever been written and directed in the whole franchise. While the first one was arguably sometimes compelling, this one felt compelling on a whole different level. This was compelling because we were actually going to spend time with John Kramer and his cancer. While it is stated and addressed in the other Saw movies, this one explores it more. This feels such a more personal Saw film than any others. The games felt more personal because for once in all of Saw histroy, the games were about John Kramer! It wasn't what John Kramer saw in people and their wickedness, it was what the wickedness and conceited con artist doctors did to him. These concieted con artists actually deserved what they got. They took away the one thing Kramer had left in him: hope. I loved how the games felt more on a personal level than ever. It wasn't just about the torture anymore, there was actually a solid, defining plot behind it all.

While this is still an over-the-top gore fest violent movie, it is well written. It has such a well-written out plot, that for once: the movie is built on this plot than its tortue devices. It didn't feel like any moment of this film that it was all tortue and nothing else, the plot made the tortue have a place in the story. It felt deserved, it felt like it belonged there! Many of the Saw films just have the tortue violence there because that's all what this series is known for, but I stand corrected with this movie now: it is possible for a Saw film to have a good plot and have tortue. All it needed was its rightful place, and this movie knew where how to. I also couldn't help but enjoy also the score for this music. The hype, tense music playing during the excruciating tortue scenes was such an amazing addition to the scene. But like all Saw fans, they were waiting for that one soundtrack, "Hello Zepp (titled in Saw X playlist, Zepp X). And I have to say, when that soundtrack got played, I was smiling like I was a Saw fan. I felt genuinely hooked and intrgiued by this whole film.

While this movie is never going to win any awards, it did win my attention for it. It was the most surprising film I've seen this year. Barely any hype, it strongly delivers on the storyline; it got me hooked up, it had unexpected twists, it was a brilliant plotted out film. While Saw X may never reach more than the 7/10 it got (due because the Saw series has never been my thing, and I don't think it will), it will be one of the most memorable movie I've seen. I'm no Saw fan and me saying this actually has to tell you something about Saw X; that's it is different than all the others while still staying to the origin of it all!
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