Review of Passengers

Passengers (I) (2016)
Enjoyable, Authentic Film
6 October 2023
I saw this when it first came out years ago and I watched it again last night. In the first viewing I enjoyed it without thinking it was particularly special, but after seeing it again my opinion moved and now, I rate it higher.

The characters are well-portrayed and both leads are very authentic and believable. Both Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence both look great, and as the story unfolds their characters each reveal great strength, vulnerability and compassion. They are both absolutely convincing. For me, it was easy to get lost in this story and lose myself for a couple of hours. I like when a film does that. Michael Sheen is peerless, as usual.

The plot is deceptively simple but like all great stories the setting, no matter how grand, is merely a stage upon which human relationships can unfold in all their beauty and complexity. This is a great strength in this film. Yes, for a 'sci-fi' film the special effects are completely believable. It looks fantastic, but without these well-written characters... well, it would just be another soulless Star Wars mess.

I recommend this film to everyone. As I get older - I'm approaching my 60s - I look for films that are well-intended, with good heart. I've seen enough cynicism for this life, so now I want movies where I can feel the good intentions of the film makers, and connect with well-written, authentic human beings. This is a good 'un.

I deduct a couple of points, one because the Laurence Fishburne character was a blatant plot device. He only popped up long enough to hand over his 'higher access' identity fob, then promptly died so as not to make for an uncomfortable third wheel in a romantic dramedy. He played it well, but it felt like clunky writing. The second deduction is because at the end credits, before the end-credits list of characters, Andy-frickin-Garcia gets a single-name credit - along with each of the main characters - even though he has no dialogue and is literally in two shots in the entire movie, one of which is from behind.

"You can't get yourself hung up on where you'd rather be, that you forget to make the most of where you are." Good advice, for all of us. 8/10.
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