let's go back to ludlow again!
7 October 2023
A sequel to "pet sematary" (you pick which version, doesn't matter) that is actually a prequel, showing jud's early life, in 1969, as he is trying to get the hell out of town and have a normal life with his eventual wife, norma. His father, played by henry thomas, is really urging him to do so. I wonder if there's a secret in this town nobody wants him to know about.

This is a visualization of one of the stories louis creed is told by jud in stephen king's book. It isn't too bad, i guess, though i would have preferred far less stuff happening in almost complete darkness (like the lat 15 minutes or so), but, nothing happens that's of any importance at the end of a horror movie, right?

Comparing this film to 1992's sequel, "pet sematary 2" that came out after the original movie, that one had far more humor and was generally more gory and fun. Thanks to the amazing clancy brown, who gets killed in almost everything he's in. The folks in ludlow here are a sad, messed up bunch. Also, while i love david duchovny, it was a little hard to buy him as a farmer.

Still, it was interesting on some level to see the situation the town has viewed from another angle. The residents seem to all know what's going on, and some have made a pact to stop "things' if they happen again.
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