Our Flag Means Death (2022–2023)
Season 2 elevates this show to a new level
20 October 2023
I loved the haphazardness of Season 1 of this show, but season 2 has taken things to a new level - they've upped the ante in pretty much every department - script, production design, acting, cinematography, editing, music - across the board this show has taken it to the next level.

All of this has refined the dramatic presentation and engagement, to the point where I would rate S02 Ep6 as a 10/10 - simply magnificent and enthralling television delivered with the lightness of wit and pathos that we've come to expect from this team.

In a way, Our Flag Means Death has moved on the surreal scale a bit towards Mrs Davis - totally unrelated content, but a similar manner of challenging our "what's coming next?" expectations and blowing the doors off them.

It's definitely quirky, and will challenge some viewers in oh so many ways, but WGAF, the journey is so worth it.

This show is proof that script and production are indispensable ingredients to top quality product.

So pay the damn writers!

Best of all, I'd wager that all concerned have had an absolute ball putting this show together and challenging our perceptions and expectations.

Congrats to all concerned - brilliant work!
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