Review of Ability

Fringe: Ability (2009)
Season 1, Episode 14
Deadly Gunk of the Month
27 October 2023
The newest method of killing people is a virus that closes all the open parts the body, the eyes, the mouth, the ears, etc. They suffocate quickly and violently. Once again Olivia has to find a way to connect with her new self, including her connection to a drug she was given as a child. To make a long story short, she guy who created the device to transport matter ala Star Trek, is out of prison but facing the consequences of his matter being reformed. Olivia must pass a test to stop a terrible bomb that could kill untold millions. She must do this by using her mind to put out a set of lights in a display. But Bishop is shown at the end to have had a hand in the inception of the danger.
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