Very good and sweet shoujo
27 October 2023
Snow White with the red hair is a shoujo I really enjoyed. It tells about a young woman called Shirayuki,a herbalist from Tanbarun. A prince of the kingdom heard about her unique red hair and Shirayuki flees the country when he demands she becomes his concubine. She meets a prince of the neighbouring kingdom called Zen. Zen and Shirayuki eventually fall in love. The animation is really lovely and fits the story. Studio Bones did a lot of famous anime like Fullmetal Alchemist(both 2003 and Brotherhood),BSD ,MHA and Vanitas no Carte. Shirayuki and Ouran are two of their most famous shoujo. I loved Saori Hayami as Shiyaruki and Ryota Ohsaka as Zen. Overall,adorable and beautiful take on Snow White. Read the manga as well .9/10.
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