Review of Alien

Alien (1979)
I love Alien. It is one of the scariest films of all time.
31 October 2023
So it's October and I was trying to think about something to review for Halloween at the scariest time of the year so I guess I better go for the one's that I have watched and maybe I could get the creepiness and not. Alien is the answer. When I was a kid, I've heard about the Alien films. Okay, I haven't seen them cause my dad told me they're disgusting films. It's kind of scary that he told me that. Alien is a film that everybody loved and got terrified by it. It came to be one of the scariest films of the 70's and when I first watched them as an adult, it scared the freaking hell out of me, well, not much because I'm not a wuss. Alien is the first to scare me. The opening had a scary reputation to creep me more than that, I watched some movie scary opening credits with creepy music and now this. Sigourney Weaver many people say is a great actress. Come to think of it, my mum is a huge fan of her. She's great as Ellen Ripley and all the other cast are great. The story is so gripping sometimes the film may have boring parts as a horror film but that's just the pace. The crew have woken up from their beds and then waiting to get home but has to find something what was crash landed in the island and Kane got face hugged by the creepy crawly things. Now Dallas and Ash had to get back to take a look at Kane getting face hugged, what's giving him. The face hugger's have acid for blood. And you know all the rest. I won't have to go into too much detail cause the audience have seen it for many years and you know classics never die. The alien is a creepy looking creature with a second mouth inside his mouth. Kind of a tongue mouth, ain't it? But the face? Yeah, that is incredibly looking creepy. And the scene that Kane dies because the alien is inside him and you've all remember what happens to people if the alien is inside the body? Behold, I give you the most terrifying, the most incredible, the most scariest scene that could ever give you nightmares, THE CHESTBURSTER! For me, though, it doesn't give me nightmares. There are some scary moments in this that always got my attention. OK, now, the video game I've played and that's Alien Isolation. This is after the film Alien before Aliens. Now when I was playing on the game though, it scared the hell out of me. I mean, REALLY scared me to death. Because when I actually come across the aliens, one for one actual reason has climbed down the ceiling and I have to duck down so that it couldn't see me. If I throw something out there the alien comes and searches something. I can tell by the sounds they're making. And I died by the alien that really does scare me. Everytime the alien comes, I kind of swore under my breath because how scary it is. The way the game is, the way that creature looks and the way it snawls, it's just pure scary. All right, so that's it for the game and I guess it's time for me to get back on my review. Alien is one of the scariest films I've ever watched and I frigging love it. My mum loves it too. Don't get me wrong, the movie's there, they're get you on your hat. The ending where Ripley escapes is really gripping because it feels like you're in the hurry. The hurry that when you're on the ship and getting the hell out of here before the time runs out. If you don't, the ship will explode. That got me right in here! It's kind of feels like you're leaving someone behind because they're dead, and yeah, the crew is already dead cause the alien killed them. There are some scenes that wasn't in the film and I already know that already so I can't remember any scene that wasn't in the original version. I already knew the scene where Ripley and Parker heard Bret screaming after he got slaughtered which is why I think that it should have included on the original. In fact, why can't all the missing scenes be in the original, there's always a catch. I don't know. Because they're from the Director's Cut. I think the Special Edition versions did the same to all the Alien films. There's no doubt about it. This is one of the greatest fantastic disgusting scariest science fiction horror film that ever hit the big screen in the late 70's. That is, uh, the lights are off in here. I could watch it every night and not get scared by it! Get ready for the sequel which I'm going to do in the meantime. Now sit back and get ready for a SPOOOOOKY night!
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