just see youtube documentaries, they are much better.
10 November 2023
This is just run-of-the-mill story of the day leading up to the event, the event and the manhunt. Nothing new.

No mention of the umbrella man even though he's in the clips or the man with the walkie talkie next to him merely metres from JFK. No mention of how everyone turns to the grassy nole, or that behind the grassy nole there's a train station carpark that was never secured. No mention that the carcano rifle is different to the one lee holds in the photos. Nothing...

my recommendation is to take your time on youtube. There are some amazing documentaries that dive deep in the story.. unlike this dribble.

Jfk one day in america brings nothing to the table. You might as well watch a more comprehensive show that looks at all facets of that tragic day.
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