Better than the Original
14 November 2023
Yeah, I said it.

The reboot is better than the original. You can tell that Mike Judge has matured over the years, it definitely shines in this newest reboot, and it gives me a LOT of hope for the planned King of the Hill reboot coming out sometime soon on Paramount+ too.

That's not to say the old show wasn't good, or a classic. Of course it was. It's an iconic 90s household name and it delivered the goods--it brought the raunch that The Simpsons couldn't bring, since MTV used to actually flirt with counter-culture ideology in its formative years unlike the monstrous trashbin it's evolved into today--a death by a thousand cuts, as they say.

I watch the original B&B (or at least, what's available of it on Prime) all the time. You can tell that the original was created by a very young Mike Judge, there's no real nuance or creatively intelligent use of the duo's slapstick raunchiness. It's just a non-stop barrage of stupidity for the sake of stupidity (I'm not complaining, since that's kind of always been the duo's original raison d'etre), but it's not couched in any real finesse or true wit.

The reboot is a whole different story. The avalanche of idiocy is still here in droves, but it's crafted with witty deft and really brings the side-splitting laughs instead of the original show's low-volume chuckles. One of the show's biggest upgrades in this regard is its variety. We now have old B&B where they live on welfare, alternate universe intelligent B&B where they're interdimensional aliens who are still stupid but just the smartest versions of their kind of stupid (and it's easily some of the reboot universe's most hilarious content), and more involvement from tertiary characters that really gives the show a lot more content to digest then just their traditional grunts and bathroom/sex humor.

The slapstick is still here, the toxic virginity and inability to score is still here, and the bumper content where they annihilate modern media content (mainly viral youtube videos) is still here and honestly better than it's ever been.

I can't believe the reboot has less than 2K votes here on IMDB and that it isn't more widely watched or mentioned in pop culture. This reboot is built to last and it will be a true loss if it were to be prematurely cancelled; I've been anxiously awaiting Season 3--hopefully we get it as quick as we got Season 2 after Season 1 aired (it was only like 5 or 6 months between seasons).

Also, if you haven't seen the newest B&B film Does the Universe than you need to watch it, now. Mike Judge and his brainchildren are in top tier form right now and better than they've ever been. Really on top of their game(imo Does the Universe was better than Does America).

I'm off to go eat some nachos.
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