Review of The Creator

The Creator (2023)
Quite a ride, and a visual feast
15 November 2023
The Creator is a good solid addition to the sci-fi genre - and technically, it is a very well made movie with a good story and some good performances.

Having said that, there is a weak link - script and script development - which just don't match the aspirations of the rest of the film. The result of this is some clunky plot development, some redundant dialogue, I'd say also some missing dialogue, and a general feeling that something is AWOL. Mainly though, this applies to the human contingent - especially the armed forces - some of their rushing into action and plan changing is hasty to say the least, and probably unprofessional, given what is supposed to be at stake.

I'd add that at least one important character to the overall story arc is also massively under-developed, which is a shame. This would have added depth and reasoning to both events and motivations, and done wonders for balancing and rounding out the story, as it is. Instead, an important factor and character is simply left Inexplicably mute - a very strange decision that seriously impacts the overall impression and viewer commitment.

But, the Creator is still a good watch and I'd recommend to any sci-fi / action fans.

Too late now, if you are reading this review but haven't seen the movie, because this is one of those movies that would definitely be best served by having no expectations or real prior knowledge of plot - I think if you saw it like that you'd be quite satisfied.

I really don't want to be to negative as I liked the movie, and for the reputed budget they did an amazing job. The sets and locations are great, the action is good, the main story and plot is good too - it just needed sharper and more considered dialogue, and more script development which would have modified some of the scenes and refined the action.

A well deserved 7.5.

PS. It seems a number of other reviews contain major plot spoilers - shame.
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