Review of Close

Close (I) (2022)
A love story that's not about sex
19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was relieved to see that this movie was unlike a too-often-seen pattern of stories about boys who feel strongly for each other and they usually turn into physical / sex stories. This was a love story about two boys, Leo and Remi, but their love for each other was strictly brotherly. Unfortunately, this closeness is seen at school and some students begin to question if the two boys are more than just friends.

Leo in particular finds this questioning bothersome and begins to distance himself from Remi. At first, the distancing is mostly in public, but eventually, it throws cold water on the whole friendship.

Remi takes this loss of his friend a lot harder than anyone knows. It reaches a peak when the boys get into a fistfight which to me was more about them fighting about the loss of their friendship than it was them fighting each other.

One day the boys' class is to go on a day trip, and Remi doesn't show up at school. When the class gets back to school it's apparent that something seriously bad has happened. It turns out that Remi has hanged himself at home.

Leo tries to carry on as though everything is all right. He goes to school and to hockey practices; he tries to carry on as if there's nothing wrong but after a while, he just can't. He goes to see Remi's mom, who treats her late son's best friend with love and compassion. When he breaks down and tells her that he thinks it's his fault Remi is dead, at first she is angry toward him but soon realizes that he was not the cause of it really, and they come to terms. Both of them have lost someone they loved.

At times this is a hard movie to watch as you see Remi suffer the loss of his close friend, and then Leo's failed attempts to carry on without accepting his feelings of guilt. It's definitely not an upbeat movie. But it's a good story and very well acted, especially by the principals who play the parts of the boys.
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